
Author (s) Guidelines:

There are two steps for submitting a manuscript:

Abstract submission

Full manuscript submission

    1. Authors should prepare their abstract using the Microsoft Word templates before submitting it at the email of the conference. You can download the abstract submitting form which is available below. You will receive a confirmation email after your abstract submission has been successfully submitted. The deadline for abstract submission will be  on   30/5/ 2021.

 Plagiarism: All submitted manuscripts will be applied to a third-party plagiarism software to check it is free of plagiarism. The acceptable plagiarism percentage in the submitted manuscript should be less than 20%. The submitted manuscript will be rejected from the final publication if the plagiarism percentage is more than 20%.

2. Follow the manuscript template form approved by the conference selected journals that fit the research topic. Download the template form from the journal website before submitting it to the conference email. The deadline for full manuscript submission will be on 20/6/ 2021.


Submission Checklist:

 Kindly, read the following carefully:

1-     Each Registrant is allowed to specify up to 1 paper(s), the first is included in the registration fee, the additional paper is charged with the same fee limited by the selected journal. 

2-     The reviewing process of the submitted manuscript will only take place upon payment of the subscription fees in full.

3-The duration of peer review in the conference will be within 15-30 days after submitting the complete manuscript.

4-Conference  manuscripts acceptance or rejection notification will be announced immediately after the reviewing process ends.

5-  if the submitted manuscript is accepted then the confirmation of acceptance, together with the invitation for presenting the full article at the Conference will be send to the author (s) email  ( s).

The author(s) is kindly requested to provide us with the identifying information by downloading the participant information form template and re-sending it with the manuscript abstract to the official e-mail of the conference

[email protected].

Abstract Template

Submit your abstract or the full manuscript to the following email:

        [email protected]

Download the participants information form