We are pleased to host respected speakers who belong to Iraqi and Arab universities. we thank them for accepting our invitation to participate in the conference and transferring their scientific experience to the rest of the professional and young researchers in the field of  Biology.


A introductory profile of the main speaker

  Dr. Muneer S. Al-Badrany is currently Professor of Surgery at the Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul. He earned his Bachelor degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul in 1985, and his Master degree in Veterinary Surgery from the Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul in 1990. He earned his PhD in Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul in 2006, he working with Prof. Dr. Muzahim Al-khayat. His thesis was named Cholecystectomy and Liver Biopsy Achievement by Laparoscopy in Dogs.

Main Speaker

Prof. Dr. Muneer S. Al-Badrany

Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs of Mosul university

Our conference keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Mostafa El-Sheekh​

    Faculty of Science, Phycology

Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Dr. Awab W. Younis

President of Association of immigrated Researchers and Scientists in Austria ( AIRSA), Vienna, Austria.

Dr. Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem ​

Deptartment of Botany and Microbiology,

College of Science, University of Suez Canal,EGYPT.

Dr. Selwa Alsam

School of Life Science, University of Essex

 Medical Microbiology , UK.

Dr. Maryam M. Gorji

School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University ,

 Nanomedicine in Cancer Therapy, Belfast, UK.

Conference Speakers Guidelines   
Kindly,   the speakers at the conference need to read the following with concern :
   1-     Provide a professional quality presentation that is on the agreed-upon topic.
2-     Stick to the time allocated for your presentation.
3- The time for presentation is 15minutes, but the vast majority are 15-20 minutes.
4-     be ready with your presentation 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
5-     The presentation language is English or Arabic.
6-     The speaker has the choice to choose the method of presentation as specified in the conference  ( live video presentation or video PowerPoint presentation).
7-     Make sure that your presentation is placed correctly on your device so that it can be shared via the chosen online platform.
8-     If the previous instructions are updated, speakers will be notified about the changes as soon as possible and before their presentation date.
9-  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact